October Rx/Tx

IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR Subnet Calculator

UPDATE: netcalc has a newer version available.

tl;dr: download netcalc—an IPv4 and IPv6 subnet calculator—to make subnetting easier.

In one of my Computer Science units last year we studied subnetting. It was really interesting but also highly programmatic. So like any good CS student, when faced with a repetitive problem to solve—such as calculating subnets—you automate the process; which I did! I first wrote a program in Python but then decided to create one in C. It only provided IPv4 functionality, though, as that's all we worked on at university. More recently, however, I thought I'd expand …

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100 Days of Code

Python's yield from keyword

I'm two weeks into a protracted break from school—a 6-week long holiday before term 2 commences—so I picked up a free online MIT IAP 4-week course in C and C++, and finally started a couple Python courses I bought about a year ago from TalkPython; both taught by Mike Kennedy. They're admittedly a little elementary for anyone not new to Python, but I'm still discovering some Pythonic fundamentals I missed as well as reinforcing good habits so it's been a sound investment of free time while on term break. I completed the first course in a …

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100 Days of Code

Python's yield from keyword

I'm two weeks into a protracted break from school—a 6-week long holiday before term 2 commences—so I picked up a free online MIT IAP 4-week course in C and C++, and finally started a couple Python courses I bought about a year ago from TalkPython; both taught by Mike Kennedy. They're admittedly a little elementary for anyone not new to Python, but I'm still discovering some Pythonic fundamentals I missed as well as reinforcing good habits so it's been a sound investment of free time while on term break. I completed the first course in a …

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