If you spend a considerable amount of time in your terminal, you might find the ability to fire off short emails from within it—without context-switching to your mail client or browser or whichever means you use—a convenient shortcut. Not to mention the utility it affords any number of use cases you might later choose to implement; a simple shell script, for example, can deliver notifications via email. It's a convenient feature of Unices that requires very little setup.

First, edit /etc/mail/secrets, as a privileged user, to store your credentials in the following format:

relayid relayuser:secretpassword

Where relayuser is the username used to login to your relay, which, in many cases, is your full email address (e.g., darth@vader.com). And relayid is just a label to identify the username:password pair that will be referenced by smtpd.conf whenever sending mail.

Given the sensitive contents, secure the file mode and ownership:

# chown root:_smtpd secrets
# chmod 640 secrets

Next, open /etc/mail/smtpd.conf, again with privileges, and ensure the following is either uncommented or present—substitute with your relayid label from secrets :

table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets
listen on lo0
action "local" mbox alias <aliases>
action "relay" relay host smtp+tls://relayid@smtp.mailserver.com:587 auth <secrets>
match for local action "local"
match for any action "relay"

Now, simply restart smtpd and test your console driven mail app:

# rcctl restart smtpd

Give the mail(1) man page a quick read to get the complete rundown, but the fundamentals of sending an email are quite simple: hit the -s switch; specify the subject and receiver as arguments; enter your message; and terminate with a lone period ('.') on a line when finished like so:

$ mail -s "Scanning all frequencies" zorb@broz.net
Is there anybody out there?

That's it. Now, rather than interrupt your flow when working in the terminal, you can fire off emails without even leaving vi!


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